Maximizing Your Team's Potential: Adding Staff in Cigo Tracker
The crucial final stage in configuring your Cigo Tracker account is the addition of your team members. Staff are at the heart of your operations, and how they interact with the Cigo platform can significantly impact your business’s effectiveness.
This article aims to provide a transparent walk-through for adding staff to your Cigo Tracker and offer insightful tips to elevate your setup. We’ll also delve into the distinct roles available within Cigo Tracker and explain the specific permissions associated with each to help you construct a secure and structured team.
Staff Integration: Establishing Your Team in Cigo Tracker
In Cigo Tracker, establishing your team is essential for a cohesive operation. Assigning roles, regulating permissions, and personalizing staff profiles are all streamlined, paving the way for a robust and secure organizational structure. With Cigo Tracker, you set the table for staff to fulfill their roles and drive your business forward efficiently.
Creating Staff Profiles in Cigo Tracker
Creating Staff Profiles in Cigo Tracker
To initiate the process of adding new staff members, proceed to navigate to the “Staff” page, and just open the Left menu panel > Organization > Staff. “
Setting up the Staff Profile
Setting up the Staff Profile
Proceed by clicking the green “+ Add Member” button in the upper right corner to add a staff member in Cigo.
Once on the “Add Member” page, just follow the steps below to start creating your Staff:
Role (Mandatory)
Role (Mandatory)
Choose a role for the new member using the dropdown list provided. To understand what each role permits, refer to the ‘Permissions by Role’ section at the bottom of the “Add New Member” page.
Sales (Level 1);
Sales (Level 2);
Sales (Level 3);
Customer Support (Level 1);
Customer Support (Level 2);
Business Analyst
Email (Mandatory)
Email (Mandatory)
This email will be used to sign into the Cigo web platform. If a staff member forgets their email, they will need to reach out to the assigned Admin.
New Password (Mandatory)
New Password (Mandatory)
This email will be used to sign into the Cigo web platform. If a staff member forgets their email, they will need to reach out to the assigned Admin.
Reference ID (Optional)
Reference ID (Optional)
For staff members with external identifiers, input that information in the designated field.
Branch (Optional)
Branch (Optional)
If the staff member is located at a specific branch or warehouse, you can list it here.
IP Block Exemption and Whitelist
IP Block Exemption and Whitelist
For security reasons, you may or may not want a staff member to be able to log in from anywhere but your company’s location.
To allow a staff member to log in from anywhere, toggle the IP Block Exemption to blue.
In addition to the IP Whitelist in the Company Settings, you can only allow users to access the platform from specific IP Addresses.
In Conclusion
Equipping your staff with the appropriate resources and clearly defined roles within Cigo Tracker not only fortifies your organization’s operational framework but also promotes security and hierarchical clarity.
The end-to-end guidance provided in this narrative ensures you are well-equipped to optimize your team’s configuration and performance within the Cigo Tracker universe, setting the stage for streamlined operations and enhanced service delivery to your customers.
Need more help?
If you have any questions or require further assistance with using the Staff Page, our dedicated support team is here to help:
Contact Support: Reach out to us at
Knowledge Base: Browse our Knowledge Base for detailed guides and FAQs on how to make the most of all our tools and features.
Live Chat: Click on the 'Chat' icon in the lower right corner of your screen to speak with one of our support agents in real-time.
We’re committed to providing you with the resources you need to excel at route management with Cigo Tracker.