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Mastering the Cigo Tracker API: Key Concepts and FAQs
Mastering the Cigo Tracker API: Key Concepts and FAQs

Discover essential Cigo Tracker API insights, manage jobs efficiently, and navigate common questions with our comprehensive guide.

Updated over a year ago

Understanding the Cigo Tracker API: An Essential Guide

Connecting Operations and Customers

Cigo Tracker serves as a transformative platform that effectively merges daily logistics operations with superior customer experience. Acting as a pivotal bridge, Cigo Tracker ensures that communication flows effortlessly and operational workflows are streamlined to meet the specific demands of logistics and delivery services.

By exploring the features and capabilities of Cigo Tracker, businesses can revolutionize their operational strategies and elevate their engagement with customers, marking a significant shift in their delivery and service processes.

What Is a Job in Cigo Tracker?

A Job is a general term used in Cigo Tracker to describe a destination, such as a Customer, where your Operator(s) may do a delivery, a service call, an installation, or various Job Actions (see explanation on 'Job Action' below).

When a job is created via the API, its initial status value is staging. If you log in to Cigo, you can find this Job by opening the sidebar menu and navigating the Import Tool page. Once you've landed on the Import Tool page, you'll find your created API records under the 'Review records from API Integration' tab.

Dispatcher will typically use the Import Tool to validate and review upcoming Jobs prior to dispatching them to vehicles. At a glance, they can validate if the address of each Job will be properly geo-coded and if the address string is valid.

However, if this step is not needed for your integration, you can skip the Import Tool when the Job is created via the API by setting skip_staging to true (for details, refer to the POST Create a new Job).

Navigating Job Statuses

Managing job processes effectively is vital to ensure smooth operations within any logistics or delivery company. Cigo Tracker offers a comprehensive system to monitor and manage the status of jobs, catering to the nuanced needs of such businesses. The job statuses in Cigo Tracker reflect the lifecycle of a job from creation to completion, portraying transparency and control at each step.

  • staging: Jobs created with skip_staging: false (default) will return this status. Jobs in this state cannot be routed and have to be reviewed in the Import Tool.

  • new: Jobs post-import (or if created via the API with skip_staging: true). This is the base state of a job that can be or has been added to an Itinerary's route.

  • in progress: Once an operator selects 'On Route' in the mobile app, the job will transition to this state. If this isn't the first Job in the itinerary, the Job prior must have been started and finished before this status can be set.

  • completed: Once an operator selects 'Completed' in the mobile app, the job will transition to this state. A job must have been in progress to be transitioned in this state.

  • incomplete: Once an operator selects 'Incomplete' in the mobile app, the job will transition to this state. From the Company Settings page, under the Operator App Options section, your organization can choose to disable this status option entirely, and it will not be available to the operator as a selection. Furthermore, your organization can choose to enforce a report with either images and/or text explanations required for said report. This is managed from the Company Settings page, under the Fulfillment Options section.

  • partially completed: This state is special in the sense that an operator does not directly select it. Instead, a job is transitioned to this state only when an operator has one or many actions marked as either 'Damaged' or 'Incomplete' and chooses the 'Completed' state on the overall job. This results in a job being partially completed.

  • damaged: Once an operator selects 'Damaged' in the mobile app, and fills out a report, the job will transition to this state. From the Company Settings page, under the Operator App Options section, your organization can choose to disable this status option entirely, and it will not be available to the operator as a selection.

  • resolved: This status is special. It cannot be set by the operators. Instead it is managed from the web after a job has been transitioned from either incomplete, damaged or partially completed, the status of the job can be transitioned to 'Resolved' by a web user. This can be useful to indicate that a prior mishap has been resolved and that this job no longer requires attention.

Job Actions Explained

A Job can be assigned any number of Actions. These Actions serve as a to-do list for the Operator arriving on site (i.e. a customer’s location). Actions have types (i.e. delivery, installation, service, etc.) and other attributes, such as handle time (the amount of time the action is estimated to take).

Job Action statuses range from:

  • undetermined: No status has been set for this Job Action yet. This is the default state.

  • completed: This Job Action has been fulfilled without any issues.

  • incomplete: This Job Action could not be fulfilled.

  • damaged: An incident is related to this Job Action.

Customer Profile Integration

Navigating through Cigo Tracker’s logistics management system, one finds the sophisticated Customer Profile Integration at its core. Each time a new Job is initiated, Cigo Tracker intuitively connects to an existing Customer profile or establishes a new one, anchored by a unique Customer Reference ID. This seamless integration is pivotal to maintaining organized, up-to-date customer records and facilitating quick, reliable access to customer details across the platform.

How are Customer profiles created and updated?

When you create a new Job, an existing Customer profile is either linked or created. Customer profiles are created or updated based on a Job's first name, last name, phone number, and address fields.

When you first create a Job, you can assign a Customer Reference ID. When you create new Jobs assigned to the same Customer Reference ID, it'll keep all of them associated with the same Customer.

Can I create or update a Customer profile without creating or updating a Job?

No, you cannot. Within the web interface, there are a few things you can update on an existing Customer profile, but this is not currently available via the API.

Overcoming Data Conflicts and Enhancing Job Management in Cigo Tracker

Our focused insights help you address the common challenge of 409 Conflict Errors, ensuring smooth data processing and integration. Additionally, we provide guidance on efficiently locating jobs and mastering the Import Tool, which is crucial for maintaining the flow of operations within Cigo Tracker’s dynamic environment. This foundation sets the stage for flawless logistical coordination and enhanced service delivery.

Handling 409 Conflict Errors

In order to prevent duplicate orders from being entered into Cigo Tracker, we prevent orders with the same core information from being re-entered. For example, if you have an order with the same first name, last name, address, and delivery date, we detect it as a duplicate job and prevent its creation.

This default behaviour may not be suitable for your business if you can receive multiple orders per day from the same customer. In that case, setting a unique reference_id during the Job creation process will allow you to work around this restriction. If you have a unique Order ID from an external system (e.g. Shopify), you can use that in your reference_id field, and Cigo Tracker will ignore the duplicate check.

Locating Jobs and Navigating the Import Tool

If you did not specify skip_staging: true in your POST call to create a Job, it'll be created in the staging status.

You'll only be able to find this Job by logging into the Cigo Tracker web portal, opening the sidebar menu and navigating the Import Tool page. Once you've landed on the Import Tool page, you'll find your created Job records under the 'Review records from API Integration' tab.

Streamlining Delivery Management: Pickups, Drop-offs, and Itineraries in Cigo Tracker

Efficiency in delivery management is crucial for any logistics operation. Cigo Tracker provides a solution that seamlessly integrates pickups, drop-offs, and itineraries to simplify these processes for dispatchers and delivery personnel.

What are Pickups and Drop-offs? How are they created?

Pickups and Drop-offs are automatically generated by Cigo Tracker. Every Pickup and Drop-off is directly correlated to a Job Action via its stop_location_id.

For instance, if a Job has an Action of type 'pickup' with a valid stop_location_id, once an Itinerary is created by your Dispatcher, a Pickup will automatically be created to indicate that it must be done prior to the related Job.

What is an Itinerary?

An Itinerary is a detailed list of ordered Route Stops, including its initial start and final return location, estimated time of departure, as well as the assigned Operator(s) and Vehicle.

What is a Stop?

A Stop, or Route Stop, is simply a geographical location on an Itinerary and it can either a Job, a Pickup, or a Drop-off.

The Roles Within the Cigo Platform

The Cigo Tracker platform is designed to streamline logistics and delivery services by defining clear roles and functions for its users. These roles, which include Operators and Dispatchers, work in tandem to ensure a seamless delivery process from start to finish.

The Role of an Operator

An Operator is an individual assigned to an Itinerary. For instance, if your company handles the delivery of goods, you may already internally refer to your Operators as Drivers, as opposed to Technicians in other industries. Operators interact with Cigo Tracker via our mobile application.

The Dispatcher’s Functionality

A Dispatcher is a web platform user who is able to create Itineraries, Jobs, and Actions and has direct access to the Staging Area (inside of Cigo Tracker, the Staging Area is referred to as the "Import Tool").

Supplementary Information and Resources

Time Standards

For clarification, the majority of API time and date-time values are presented in GMT (UTC+00:00), unless mentioned otherwise.


Check out this diagram illustrating key concepts, offering a visual representation of how the resources and relationships between the explained concepts are interconnected.

Key Concepts Diagram

Still have questions?

  • Contact API Support: Reach out to us at

  • Knowledge Base: Browse our Knowledge Base for detailed guides and FAQs on how to make the most of all our tools and features.

  • Live Chat: Click on the ‘Chat’ icon in the lower right corner of your screen to speak with one of our support agents in real-time.

We’re committed to providing you with the resources you need to excel at route management with Cigo Tracker.

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