Navigate delivery schedules effortlessly with Cigo Tracker's Schedule page. Access past, present, and future routes to streamline your operations and elevate your delivery service to the highest standard of efficiency and precision.
5 articles
Mobile Application: Schedule PagePerfect delivery scheduling with the Schedule page: Streamline all past, present, and future route management with precision.
Mobile Application: Job PageMaximize your delivery operations using Job Pages. Navigate customer details, communication, payments, tasks, and more with ease.
Mobile Application: Actions PageElevate logistics with the Actions Page: Itinerary selection, rapid search, scanning precision, and customizable operations.
Mobile Application: Notification PageThe Notification Page is your real-time alert center for swift delivery route changes, dispatcher messages, and itinerary updates.
Mobile Application: Settings PageElevate your app usage with tailored settings for notifications, navigation, languages, and more, for an unmatched experience.